

Av. Verona #7412 Int. 8ª

Zapopan , Jalisco.
Suc. en Aguascalientes.

More and more emphasis is being placed on the social importance of being physically fit and having a beautiful figure. Localized fat deposits can become a nightmare and in many cases even diets and exercise are unsuccessful.

Liposuction is an effective tool that allows you to safely shape the body contour and improve the figure by removing this unwanted fat.

Frequent Questions

Basically they are the same procedure. They consist of shaping or shaping the body by handling subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Liposuction literally means sucking or extracting fat, by extracting fat we are sculpting or shaping the body, bone liposculpture. If we were to be strict we could say that in liposculpture, unlike liposuction (fat extraction), some of the fat extracted in other areas is injected.

As for lipoplasty, this term is broken down into lipo which means fatty or adipose tissue and Plastia that comes from the Greek word “plastikos”, which means to model or shape, bone shape the body by handling fatty or adipose tissue ( liposculpture).

Frequently unscrupulous people use different names only to attract patients, the fact that it is done under local anesthesia does not change what surgery is essentially.

When the areas to be treated are small, it can be performed under local anesthesia. In most cases, my preference is general anesthesia, this in a healthy patient is increasingly safe and allows working without any discomfort for the patient.

For liposuction, small incisions are made through which fluids with adrenaline infiltrate that minimize blood loss and facilitate fat extraction. The grease is then aspirated by special cannulas that connect to a machine that makes negative pressure. Once the fat has been removed, the incisions are closed and a girdle is placed.

Liquids usually infiltrate the subcutaneous tissue that facilitate fat removal and minimize blood loss. In the super wet technique, liquids are injected into the subcutaneous tissue in an amount equal to the amount of fat to be extracted. In the tumescent technique, double or triple liquids are injected. With this last technique, one should be cautious especially in cases of large volume liposuction, if too much is infiltrated, fluid overload may occur in the patient or xylocaine toxicity that can even cause death.


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