Av. Verona #7412 Int. 8ª
Zapopan , Jalisco.
Suc. en Aguascalientes.
Zapopan , Jalisco.
Suc. en Aguascalientes.
Reduce the fat on your cheeks that give an appearance of roundness to your face.
Thinning of the cheeks should be performed in the operating room, under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis. The entire cheek reduction procedure lasts less than 1 hour. It is done through 2 small incisions (1 cm each) inside the mouth through the jugular mucosa, so the procedure does not leave visible scars. If Bichectomy is the only intervention to be performed, it is done on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. The removal of Bichat bags is a reversible method, since if the patient loses a lot of weight and the face is very thin or regrets, fat can be replaced by removing it from another part of the body.
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